September 2013 Weddings

Talk Big Thursday

What a whirlwind of a week! What do you have to AW about?
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Re: Talk Big Thursday

  • Our videographer just launched a new website and posted a ton of videos. I am even more in love than before!! If you are at all into wedding videography, check out their gallery. Grab the tissues!
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  • Ahhh... SO the mini cakes I posted yesterday as my vision... We were able to make them look just as cute!! I didn't take a picture but I will after work!! Super excited!!
  • @mpickl - OMG I love your videographer!!!  Makes me wish we would have budgeted for one!

    I don't really have much to AW this week...just signed the contract for our makeup girl and did our e-pics. Starting our cocktail napkins this weekend!

    ***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
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  • My AW is not wedding related.

      My sisters are awesome.  We are super tight and no matter how much we argue we are really very close.  We all talk almost every day!  Being on the phone with all 4 of them at the same time is hysterical.
       Someone who my little sister (she is 23) thought was her friend was going around telling EVERYONE that my little sis sells drugs!  She would never!  She has two babies at home and she is a great person and mom.  This woman is just nuts.  My sisters and I have fully nipped that rumor in the butt and have backed her in her confrontation of the woman (peacefully).  Everything is back right in the world.  LOVE them. 
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  • My aw for the week would have to be on my fiance again. He was going to pick up our new treadmill , while doing this he surprised me with brand new tires and an oil change for my car. This was desperately needed. He also took me last night to book our honeymoon. I'm so excited, its over half way paid for !!

    mpickl thanks for sharing. The videos are amazing. I was over here crying !
    ~~Sept 2013 Brides - January Siggy - Floral Inspiration~~
    This is my inspiration
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    The actual one I made
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  • For starters, we had our engagment photos taken this weekend and it was awesome.  I can't wait to get them back!  FI and I both hate having our photos taken so this was a good trial run and he was the perfect guy.  He knew I was nervous and made sure I felt comfortable even though he was nervous himself!

    I also bought our domain yesterday (our website is now done! and ordered our centerpieces (model sailboats for our nautical wedding).  So that's three things checked off our list in less than a week!

    NWR, I get to go to see my favorite singer tonight, tomorrow is my birthday, and I get to spend the whole weekend with my FI!!!!  Yay!!!!
  • @Christina- I need an oil change and new tires before the snow comes, maybe i should mention your story to my FI so he gets the hint LOL
    @Boston- Happy Early Birthday!!!

    NWR: I am going to AW about the DELICIOUS pumpkin cookies with homemade cream cheese icing I made for my work potluck today. I already ate two of them this morning and if this potluck doesnt start on time, I may have them all eaten ! haha
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    September 2013 Siggy Challenge: Bouquet Inspiration
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  • edited October 2012
    mpickl - now I'm thinking I may have to rework the numbers and find a videographer!
    Christina - thanks for reminding me that I could use an oil change ;)
    Boston - SCORE!
    KSerafin - mmm, you just made me REALLY hungry lol

    I have a few this week!  WR and NWR

    My son handled being mute (cold made him hoarse and robbed him of his little voice for 2 days) like a champ.  I sanded all the centerpiece vases and FI helped me spray them with frosted glass paint, so that's step 1 and 2 of a major check down.  I have maintained a clean house despite a grueling Thursday, I'm usually looking around and wondering what happened to my humble abode.

    Lastly, I haven't punched any of the idiots around me in the face.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
    *** September 2013 Signature Challenge: Hair Inspiration! ***
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  • Oh wow I feel like I haven't been on here in forever! Getting home late from work and having a cold that was pretty bad definitely had something to do with it but glad I'm starting to feel better. I'm happy cause I just got done ordering our engagement pics! The photographer texted me yesterday saying she was almost done editing and working on our pics and that she would email me today when they're ready. I about jumped out of bed this morning when I seen she emailed me saying they are all done and ready for viewing and ordering. They came out great! She did such a great job we are definitely gonna book her for our wedding pics =).
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  • AW: I accomplished most of my wedding related task in SD. Bought pillar candles, mirrors, and manzanita, all cheaper in SD than buying it online in Philly.

    NWR: I've been visiting my sister in SD and went to DCA yesterday and saw the World of Color show... AMAZING! and took a picture with RUSSELL!!!

    Photo: With the cutest boy ever!
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